Thursday, March 28, 2013

What a day!

  Yesterday morning I woke up anxious to get on with my day. FINALLY, it was my "pre-op" day at UNC. Unfortunately, I felt miserable, thanks to round two of a terrible stomach bug that has plagued my entire county. It didn't matter how I felt though...I HAD to get to this appointment. I waited two months for this day. Not to mention, I recently found a lump in my right breast and knew that I would be having a mammogram done, so it was so important that I made it. I took some medicine, and tried to move on with my day. What normally takes two and a half hours to get to UNC ended up taking a bit longer with all the stops we had to make, thanks to my unforgiving stomach. At one point during the drive, I almost caved and asked my husband to turn around, because I felt so miserable. Thankfully, he knew I would be disappointed and kept driving. 

  Once we made it, I promptly asked the receptionist for a mask, as to not spread my germs to the already incredibly ill patients that are seen at UNC's cancer center. As soon as I checked in, I went right upstairs for my mammogram. It didn't take long for one of the techs to come get me, thankfully. Once I got into the room, she asked if I had any changes in my breast or anything she should be aware of. I explained my lump and she immediately put a little marker over it. I am not sure why but I got a little misty eyed. I guess maybe the reality of being twenty seven, and knowing that because of my family history, here I stood. The rest of the women in the waiting room were far past my age, double to triple. I am not even sure if that is it. Either way, I got over myself really quick. I think I could have been a bit nervous. People tell you that mammograms are really's a LIE. There was nothing "painful" about it. Yes, at times it can be a little uncomfortable, but it lasts for about three seconds. I am not sure if it was just because my tech was amazing, or maybe I was anticipating much worse? Either way, I hope no one is ever too nervous to get a mammogram done because of the things people really isn't bad, at all. It's actually quite interesting. It did take a little bit longer for my mammogram, as she was trying to get the best images of my lump. She asked me to take a seat in their waiting room, and told me there was a possibility that I may have to have an ultrasound done as well, because of that spot. So, I waited, and watched, more women come in and out. 

  They called me back again, and walked me into the ultrasound room. I felt weird. Not worried, but not comforted either. Josh had been sitting out in the main waiting room for a very long time at that point, so I did ask if they could go get him and have him sit with me for the ultrasound, to which they were very willing. While waiting on the radiologist to come in, we got a call from my mother in law, saying that my daughter was running a fever of 102.7. So, then my Mommy panic kicked in. It's never one thing at a time to worry about, and that's actually okay with me. It makes me realize why I am there...I was sitting there, on that ultrasound table yesterday, because I have to be around for my children. So, we told her to give Emma some ibuprofen, and in came the radiologist...on to the next issue. He spent a while looking around. Thankfully, after lots of prayers, what he found was only a cyst.  He did say that I has a lot of dense tissue (which actually makes women four to five times more likely to get breast cancer) by what he could see on the ultrasound. It was just a confirmation of my "necessity" to have this PBM. I am ready for the day where I won't have to lose sleep over a little bump, or worry about the density of my breast somehow blocking my ability to potentially notice something more than a cyst later down the road. No thank you, it is time to say goodbye to these breasts. 

  The next appointment was with the surgical oncologists nurse practitioner (whom I love....pleasant, blunt, fiery red hair). We got to her and had to wait a little while, as she was with another patient, but I started to worry, because my appointment with my plastic surgeon was getting closer as the time passed. Fortunately, she opened the door, told me not to worry, that she would schedule the pre-op the day before surgery and then put me up in a hotel room the night before. I asked her a quick few questions that I had written down, and I was on my way to the plastic surgeon! Finally...because, really, this plastic surgeon is going to be close enough to be my best friend this next year. I will be seeing a lot of her. I was anxious. I prayed that I would like know, you have to "click" with your's just more comforting that way. If you can't stand your doctor, then chances are, you'd be unhappy. 

  After waiting for a while, the plastic surgeons nurse came in. She was AWESOME. Literally, answered almost every question I had for her before I even had to ask. What questions I did have, she answered them with complete knowledge and competence. I was impressed! We went over options, which I already knew what I wanted before I went in. I have done a lot of research. A few more quick questions, some looking at the surgeons pictures, and I felt the weight of the world coming off my shoulders. Finally, the surgeon came in, and I was even more impressed. Everything they said was exactly what I wanted to hear...every single word was what I was looking for. They were honest, and caring, and real. I actually think they went above my expectations, which is hard to do...when it comes to my body. I feel so comfortable with my team of doctors. Now, all we have to do is wait on my insurance company to approve the surgery. Lots of prayers necessary for that! 

  So, at this point in the day, I haven't eaten a thing, because I couldn't even keep water down, and I literally feel like my kidneys are shutting down. I just wanted to get everything taken care of, so I stuck through the day, and was so glad we were headed home. Josh mentioned that he was a bit hungry, so as we were driving home, I saw a sign for Panera (which was the perfect pick, because I knew I could try some chicken noodle soup or something light). Turns out, he stopped searching for Panera when he got distracted by a mall...and we ended up at Cheesecake Factory. I ordered my usual, knowing I would get two bites in and not keep it down...which was accurate, even with the bread that the give out when you order. As we are ordering, we called my mother in law to see how everything was and let her know we would be getting back a little later since we decided to stop and eat. Unfortunately, the news on the other end wasn't so good. Emma's fever was still 102.7 and she couldn't have any more medicine at that point. So, standard protocol in our area, for her age, is the ER at 102. Josh and I got our food, took two bites, and had it wrapped up, then made our way back home...after stopping at least five times for me. 

  It felt like the longest car ride ever. I just wanted to get to my baby. She had no vomiting, no diarrhea, nothing. I didn't understand where her fever was coming from and why it wasn't coming down. As soon as I got to the ER, I also decided to check myself in to be seen. My body literally felt like my kidneys were shutting down as the day progressed. After hours of waiting for Emma, they finally got her back to a room. Josh had left to take the one car home and pick up the other with Em's car seat, so I stayed in the back with Emma...which was quite a task, as I needed to run to the bathroom myself. Thankfully, the nurses were very baby friendly. Turns out, Em has an ear infection in her right ear. Fortunately, she is already feeling better today. Just as Josh was getting back, Emma got discharged. I walked her out to the car, and he brought her back home (where the grandparents were still with Brody) and put her to bed, then had to come back for me. 

  More waiting and I finally got into a room. Clinically a little dehydrated. I definitely felt that way, even though I tried to drink fluid throughout the day. They hooked me up to an IV, gave me some fluid, some anti nausea medicine, and some pain medicine. Unfortunately, the fluid literally came out almost as fast as it went in. We finally got discharged around 3am, came home and went straight to bed. I swear, yesterday felt like five days in one. The kids are napping right now, and I plan to join them! This momma needs some rest! 


1 comment:

  1. Keeping you in prayers Katie, what a day. Take care of yourself, you'll need your strength after surgery! --Ginny
