Monday, January 14, 2013

EFMP Approved!

  We found out that I have been accepted/approved for EFMP! I thank God that there are people who legitimately want to help us in this situation. The more I talk to the people at the EFMP offices (HQ and here at Camp Lejeune) the more I feel at ease. The only thing that has been causing any anxiety is this PCS to Hawaii and the uncertainty that comes with it in terms of this PM. Fortunately Josh's command has also been incredible (no surprise there though...they are always amazing to family) and is behind us 100% and willing to help Josh out any way they possibly can.

 The entire "new orders" thing is still a major waiting game though, and it still all depends on one man right now. I pray everyday that he finds it in his heart to help finagle something that will allow us to remain at Camp Lejeune. I still freak out at the idea of the slight possibility that we really will have to go to Camp Smith. The difference in care between here and Hawaii is my most terrifying concern. So, for now, I need to figure out how to put my mind at ease and just let it work out the way in needs to work out. It's so hard though, obviously...since I sound like a broken record on these last few posts!

Thursday! I cannot wait!

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